
2016 GOP Caucuses

On February 20, 2016, Republicans all across Washington State will gather with their precinct neighbors to hold caucuses. There they will elect delegates to their county conventions, bring forward resolutions and platform items for consideration, and support their favorite candidates. This is grassroots activism at its finest.

In order to participate in a caucus, you must be a registered voter and must attend the precinct caucus for the precinct in which you are registered. Your precinct number is listed on your voter registration card. For further help visit one of these useful sites:

  Find Your Precinct and Caucus Location     Register to Vote

The Douglas County Republican Party will hold pooled caucuses at three locations, listed below.

Eastmont High School
955 3rd St. NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
Precincts: 101 - 114, 201 - 204, 206 - 210, 212, 214 - 215, 301 - 302, 306, 315 - 318


Douglas County Courthouse
Basement Hearing Room
401 S. Rainier St.
Waterville, WA 98858
Precincts: 205, 211, 213, and 311 - 313


Mansfield Pioneer Club
24 Main St.
Mansfield, WA 98830
Precincts: 303 - 305, 307 - 310, 314

Caucuses will begin at 10AM

Registration will begin at 8:30AM at the Eastmont H.S. location, and 9AM in Waterville and Mansfield.
A valid form of picture I.D. is required. Please also bring your voter registration card for convenient registration.

Nominations for delegates will not commence earlier than 10:30 A.M. nor later than 11:30 A.M.

Send questions to:     DCRCC Contact

Review the DCRCC Platform here:     DCRCC Platform