About Douglas Co. Republican Central Committee
The organization of the Douglas County Republican Party located in Washington State is constituted through its Central Committee and Governing Board.
The Douglas County Republican Central Committee (DCRCC) is comprised of elected and appointed Precinct Committee Officers (PCO's) and appointed Precinct Chairmen (PC's). A precinct is one of 47 geographical sub-divisions of Douglas County. A three-digit number is assigned to each precinct. The first digit of the number corresponds to the Commissioner District (1, 2, or 3) in which the precinct resides. The DCRCC is the only county-level, Republican political organization authorized by the Washington state constitution (Article II, Section 15) and Washington state law (RCW 29A.80.030).
The Governing Board is an expanded organization of the Central Committee, which contains additional voting members. It consists of:
- PCO and PC members of the Central Committee not otherwise members of the Governing Board.
- The Executive Committee, consisting of the officers elected by the Central Committee at the biennial organizational meeting:
- County Chairman
- County Vice-Chairman
- State Committeeman
- State Committeewoman
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Finance Committee Chairman (appointed by the County Chairman)
- Commissioner District Representatives – One representative elected for each of the three County Commissioner Districts.
- Republican elected county officials.
- Republican state legislators.
- Standing committee chairs appointed by the County Chairman.
The Governing Board meets monthly. Traditionally, this meeting is on the first Monday of each month. If the regular meeting date falls on a primary holiday, the Board may vote to not meet that month. This meeting is often referred to as the "central committee" meeting, but it includes voting members of the broader Governing Board. The defined role of the Governing Board is to advise and assist the County Chairman in prosecuting political campaigns in support of Republican candidates and to do everything necessary and proper to promote the welfare and success of the Party. As a practical matter, it also reviews or approves much of the business of the organization.
There are three functions specifically reserved by the Bylaws to the Central Committee:
- Organize the Party at the biennial organizational meeting, typically held in January of odd-numbered years. The primary business of the meeting is electing the Governing Board officers and the six Commissioner District Representatives for the following two years. According to the Bylaws, only elected PCO's (not those who have been appointed and not appointed PC's) may vote at this biennial meeting.
- Nominate persons to fill vacancies in county elected offices and state legislative positions representing Douglas County that previously had been held by a Republican.
- Fill vacancies on the Republican ticket for county elective offices when no Republican candidate has filed or the candidate dies or is disqualified.
The DRCC has the following standing committees which help conduct its business:
- Executive Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Finance Committee
- Audit Committee
- County Platform Committee
- County Convention Rules Committee
- County Convention Credentials Committee
- Lincoln Day Dinner Committee
- NCW Fair Committee
- Outreach Committee
- Technology Committee
The committee chairmen are appointed by the County Chairman, except that the County Chairman is designated by the Bylaws as Chairman of the Executive Committee.
Meetings of the Governing Board, Central Committee, Executive Committee and standing committees are generally open to any interested Douglas County elector (authorized to vote) or guest invited by the County Chairman. However, according to the Bylaws, debate on issues is limited to voting members. Also, the Chairman in his discretion may declare a meeting to be an executive session at which only voting members may attend.
The duties and authorities of the Executive Committee, officers, PCO's and PC's, Commissioner District Representatives and the various standing committees are contained in the DCRCC Bylaws. The Bylaws also provide other rules and regulations which govern the activities and conduct of business of the DCRCC.