
Get Involved

Become A Volunteer

The DCRCC offers many opportunities to get involved in our community. Below is just a small list of things to choose from:

  • Lincoln Day Dinner & Auction
  • Annual Chelan-Douglas Picnic
  • NCW Fair Booth
  • Assist with Campaigns
  • 'Get the word out' phone campaigns
  • 'Get the word out' in your neighborhood
  • Distribute signs and other materials



Run for a PCO Position

The Douglas County Republican Central Committee needs PCO (Precinct Committee Officer) positions filled with dedicated volunteers who are willing to advocate for conservative principles and the Republican cause. Join the central committee team by being appointed to a vacancy (you must live in the precinct) by the DCRCC Chairman and then running for election by your neighbors in even-numbered years. Below is a list of precincts having current PCO vacancies. Your precinct number is listed on your voter registration card.