
Ballots have arrived for 2018

Written by Douglas County Republicans on . Posted in DCRCC News

Ballots should have arrived in all residents in Douglas County for the 2018 election cycle.   You should have also gotten our election guide to the officially endorsed candidate in the mail on Friday.   Please make sure to get your ballots in before November 6th, 2018.  All ballots have pre-paid postage.  If you drop off your ballot at a official drop box, the county will not be charged for the postage.   

Please strongly consider voting for Republicans in this election.   Washington state is much more purple than blue and we need to show it will high turnout and more elected Republicans.  


[Watch] 2018 NCW Candidates Forum Video

Written by Lauren J Miehe on . Posted in News

Here is the archived video of our 2018 NCW candidates forum. Almost 200 people showed up for the live event where many candidates for the upcoming November 6th election showed up to give their message and vision for our community.  These events are very important for us all to support so we can hear about the issues facing our community and the contrast between Republican and Democrat solutions & policy. 

Local politics matters and now in our current poltical environment, we will see more people taking interest in these issues and voting to voice their opinion via the ballot box.  Make sure you pay attention and vote accordingly on November 6th.  

Video Link:  Click Here


New poll shows Rossi with 10-point lead in the 8th District

Written by Lauren J. Miehe on . Posted in News

New polling data taken on Oct 4th shows Dino Rossi (R) with a 10-point lead over his opponent Kim Schrier (D).  The poll was conducted on 400 undecided voters.  This is good news for the Rossi campaign but we are still under a month from the November 6th election.  All campaigns are in full swing for the final push and the Douglas County Republicans at full bore as well.   We are doing all we can to support all our endorsed candidates and have been in communication with both federal elections that affect our county (Dino Rossi & Susan Hutchison).  

Article LinkClick Here

Please contact us direct if you have time to either doorbell, phone bank or sign way.  If you can't do any, please just make sure your neighbors vote so our turnout is high this cycle. 


12th District Candidate Forum - Oct 10th 2018

Written by Douglas County Republicans on . Posted in News


Name: Candidate Forum 12th District
Date: October 10th, 2018
Time: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM PST
Event Description:

Election Day is Nov. 6th, 2018 and you are invited to hear from the candidates running for local and state office. KOHO 101, in partnership with the NCWLIFE Channel, Icicle Broadcasting and Wenatchee World newspaper, bring you a candidate forum to hear from candidates for Chelan and Douglas County Commissioners, Sheriff and Public Utility District, and State Representatives. 

This will an important event for the public to be able to see their candidates before ballots arrive and election day arrives.  Attend the event if possible so the organizers know how critical these types of events are to our local voters.  This event is free to attend and will be broadcasted live.

Event LinkClick Here


2018 WPC Annual Dinner w/ Keynote Newt Gingrich

Written by Lauren J. Miehe on . Posted in News

Washington Policy Center is  having their annual dinner at the Hyatt with the Hon. Newt Gingrich.   He is a former Republican Speaker of the House.  WPC is a non-profit research and policy organization tha specializes in studying the use of free-market forces in policy decisions.  One of our members sent this event in to let us know that tickets were still available have a wonderful dinner and keynote address from one of the preeminent Republican thinkers in the country.  

Date:  October, 12th 2018

Time:  6pm to 9pm

Location:  Hyatt Regency Bellevue - Bellevue , WA

Event DetailsGet Tickets

Quote from Website: "For over 20 years, Washington Policy Center has held its Annual Dinner events as a way to bring people together to hear about how free-market solutions are improving lives not only in Washington state, but across the country.  WPC’s Annual Dinner events in Eastern and Western Washington are now must-attend evenings that attract more than 2,500 elected officials, business & community leaders, raising over $1 million to support WPC’s work.

Past speakers include: US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Defense Secretary General James Mattis, Dr. Charles Krauthammer, Governor Scott Walker, Neil Cavuto, and many more free-market leaders."