
U.S. Senate Debate with Susan Hutchison (R) and Maria Cantwell (D) - Free Tickets

Written by Douglas County Republicans on . Posted in DCRCC News


Fellow Republicans,

The Washignton State Republican Party just sent out information for a debate between Susan Hutchison (R) who is challenger the Democratic incumbent Maria Cantwell for one of Washington State's U.S. Senate seat.  This could be the only debate we have before the General Election in November.  We need Republicans in the room and showing strong support for Susan.  It looks like their will be live streaming and potentially broadcasting of the event so our in-house support will be critical for independent voters who are helping decide what direction Washington will be taking in the future.  

Please sign-up for tickets right away.  The Rossi debate is already on a waiting list so I assume this will be going even faster.  Tickets are free.

Date:  October, 6th 2018 

Time:  7:00pm (Doors open at 6:00pm)

Tickets Link (Free):  Eventbrite Link



2018 WA Ballot Initiative Voter Guide

Written by Lauren J. Miehe on . Posted in Legislative News

Here is our official voters guide for upcoming 2018 ballot initiatives for Washington State.   The goal of this guide is to help Douglas County Republicans make the right choice in the November elections.  In this election cycle we have ballot initiatives that could potentially have wide-sweeping affects on Washington state residents.  Issues at hand are gun rights, taxes and law enforcement policy.  


Ballot Initiative1639  (Gun Rights)

Summary: If enacted, this law would vastly infringe on the gun rights of Washington State citizens.  Here are the majors changes: 

  • 1) Classify semi-automatic rifles as semiautomatic assault rifles 
  • 2)  Increase the buying age of semiautomatic assault rifles from 18 to 21 years of age. 
  • 3) Mandatory training before firearms can be semiautomatic rifles could be transferred
  • 4) Sheriffs or Chiefs of Police are required certify a person can own a semiautomatic assault rifle.  
  • 5) Criminal penalties for unsecured firearms if a person possesses the firearm and has lost their gun rights.  
  • 6)  Waiting period increased to 10 days.

Voting AdviceVote No


Ballot Initiative1631 (Carbon Tax)

Summary:  This would make Washington State the first state in the union to place an energy tax on carbon output.  The fee would be $15 per metric ton of carbon beginning on January 1, 2020, and would increase by $2 per metric ton each year until the state's greenhouse gas reduction goals of 2035 are met and the 2050 goals were on track to be met.  This will result in high energy prices for residents and business all across Washington State.   Higher costs will be passed along to residents from businesses that are affected.

Voting Advice:  Vote No


Ballot Initiative1634 (Prohibit Local Taxes on Groceries)

Summary:  If enacted, This measure would prohibit local government entities from imposing any new tax, fee, or other assessment on grocery items. It would not prevent the state from imposing taxes on groceries.  This would prevent at least prevent food from be used as a revenue generation item. 

Voting AdviceVote Yes


Ballot Initiative940 (Law Enforcement Restrictions)

Summary: If would create a good faith test to determine when the use of deadly force by police is justifiable, require police to receive de-escalation and mental health training, and provide that police have a duty to render first aid. It would remove the requirement that prosecutors show that a law enforcement officer acted with malice to be convicted.  The Good Faith test is vague and would put grey area into policing that will make is harder for our law enforcement to do their jobs.  We agree that high quality training is the corner-stone of professional policing but their are better and more productive methods of achieving this goal.  

Voting Advice:  Vote No


Closing Note:  Most important thing to do and tell your friends and family, VOTE.  We need high voter turnout in this mid-term election cycle to elect quality Republicans and stop the increased taxation and limiting of rights for Washington State residents. 



2018 Officially Endorsed Candidates

Written by Douglas County Republicans on . Posted in DCRCC News

Douglas County Republicans have officially endorsed the following candidates for the 2018 General Election:

United States Senate

- Susan Hutchison   url:

8th Congressional District

- Dino Rossi             url:

4th Congressional District

- Dan Newhouse             url:  Official Campaign Website

12th Legislative District Position #1

- Keith Goehner       url:

12th Legislative District Position #2

- Mike Steele           url:  Official Mike Steele Website

Douglas County Sheriff

- Kevin Morris          url:

Douglas County Commissioner Position #3

- Marc Straub          url:

Douglas County Commissioner Position #3

- Norman Tupling    url:  Facebook Page


Please make sure you are registered and vote Republican in November.

    -Douglas County Republicans


WA Democrats Blast Common Core

Written by Douglas County Republicans on . Posted in Archived News

WA Democrats Blast Common Core

Delegates to the Democratic Party Central Committee meeting in Olympia on January 24, 2015, passed a resolution in opposition to the Common Core State Standards. The resolution received nearly two-thirds support from the over 200 committee members. They follow the lead of the Washington State Republican Party, whose committee members passed a similar resolution in 2014. As a matter of fact, it was your very own Douglas County Republican Central Committee who brought the original resolution to the WSRP.

We thank the Washington State Democratic Party for their courage in adopting this resolution and hope that this can be a catalyst for bipartisan education reform with greater state and local control, for the sake of our children. Read more about the how the resolution was passed by following this link and then see how it compares to your DCRCC's resolution!